Friday, February 20, 2015

60 typical moments with our Dad

Our daddy turns 60 years old today. In honor of him, my 3 sisters: Sherri Farias, Stephanie Eggar and KayLeigh Malpass and I offer you "60 typical moments with Ron Vodenichar."

Disclaimer: these probably will not feel typical to you, as most define typical; there's not much about our dad that's lackluster. You see, his typical is exceptional. He has masterminded and lived more beautiful moments in his sixty years than most are able or willing to do. Honestly it wasn't even difficult for us to come up with this list; limiting them became the struggle.

Who your father is and how he treats you and others remarkably shapes who you are as a person. So as most of you already know--and it will become increasingly clear as you read this post--we're the luckiest.

Here's to you Daddy. We love you so much!

  1. She was 5 years old when her daddy went to his first parent teacher back to school night. It probably wouldn't have mattered to the teacher or principal, but he "dressed to impress" for his little girlwearing her favorite blue suit.
  2. She was 17 years old going to senior prom, but that wasn't too old for her daddy to show who was really Prince Charming: he surprised her with a horse and carriage to arrive in. 
  3. She was 10 and playing the lead role at the local theater. She thought Daddy had packed his bags to fly across the country for parents weekend at Arizona State. Instead he showed up opening night, with her big sister by his side. 
  4. She was 15 and going to her first district choir and Daddy gave her his state choir medal; she wore it on a necklace until she was 22. 
  5. He was just shy of 2 when they saw his picture for the first time, that morning after Thanksgiving. And by the time we made it to the parade-- maybe an hour later-- his photo was framed and next to Grandpa on the grandstand where he announced the floats to the whole town.
  6. She was 8 and trying to explain to her best friends that her dad always answers questions: "Me" when you ask "who's your favorite baseball player" or "who do you think the best basketball player ever was."  So to prove her point she confidently walked up to him and said "Dad. Who is your favorite baseball player?" "Roberto Clemente."
  7. They were 17, 15, 14 and 9...and there were (thankless?) fancy chocolate Valentine's hearts as big as their heads on the breakfast table (again) this year. His girls knew they were treasured.
  8. She turned 5 that day, the littlest fish in the big pond elementary school. She was called into the office without knowing why. She walked out with a grin bigger than the balloons and candy she held in her arms. And there was a skip in her step as she walked down the hall feeling so special and loved. 
  9. They were shivering on the sidelines at the high school football game, covered in snow. He brought every single girl a hot chocolate. 
  10. She was 16 years old when she was called down to the principal's office. In an envelope, she found keys to her sporty probe- Go SHER.
  11. She was 16 years old and heading home from the Steelers' game with her daddy and boyfriend. Boyfriend needed to stop on 79 to go to the bathroom. Daddy agreed. And then daddy drove 20 yards away midstream. 
  12. She was 7 sitting at the Pirate's game in "Grandpa's seats" when she caught her first foul ball.
  13. She was 24 years old when her first over seas package arrived- they came each month for the next two years brightening her mood and making challenges of being far from home more tolerable .
  14. She was 16 when she was called down to the principal's office for another yellow envelope filled with the scouting report for the day. In high school she probably got 100 notes from her daddy in yellow Butler Eagle envelopes. 
  15. They were kids and adults of all ages, acquaintances and friends: surely one of the families at church or work would want his (free to them) tickets to the show at the Benedum Center, or the Steeler game, or the sold out concert. 
  16. They were 6,6,2 and a newborn and missing their cousins and family something awful. So Grandpa researched and rented a beach house that they could all comfortably stay in during the summer while they were home. 
  17. He's a 7th grade boy who has moved on into the older kid's Sunday School class, yet each week he finds himself wandering back to pay his 5th & 6th grade teacher a visit. And of course he always leaves with a tummy filled with homemade Rice Krispie treats or brownies and a heart filled with a sense of being loved.
  18. She was 6 years old when he made her favorite treat to share for her first treat day at school: cinnamon and sugar snails.
  19. She was 19 and heading back to school after Thanksgiving...she looked at her gas tank and it was "magically" full (again) and she reached knowingly into the center console and found the $20 bill. 
  20. She's 5 years old, Rwandese, and never had a baby doll to play with. Since Grandpa sent Lucy 2 dolls for Christmas (along with 13 other gifts), she was able to offer her gift to our friend. Grandpa's generosity stretches. 
  21. They were well into their 80's, and on July 5th and January 1st each year they expected a knock on their door and a belly full of spicy ribs for dinner.
  22. She was 17 and just finished her last basketball game of her life. There were friends, boyfriend and coaches all around to comfort. But she wanted wrapped up in her daddy's arms. 
  23. They are all ages and largely unknown to him, but Daddy made sure there was a way for kids with special needs to have a great playground in Butler. 
  24. He was having his 7th birthday party in New York. In January. During a blizzard. But there was no way Grandpa was going to miss it!
  25. He's 29 years old, and his golf bag is always "magically" filled with new golf balls after a visit up to Butler.  
  26. He was 9 years old when he officially joined the family but only 6 when cuddled up next to Grandpa on the couch- that first visit to Butler.
  27. She was 21 and Daddy was meeting her boyfriend for the first time at college. When dessert came at dinner, so did a shopping bag with the second dress left behind at the store earlier. Daddy made sure the new boyfriend knew how his princess was to be treated.
  28. It was opening day and our daddy took his daddy to the first game ever played at PNC Park. Little did he know that would be Pappy's last baseball season.
  29. Their wives were passing away too young, and he sat quietly with them, golfed with them, sang with them, laughed with them, cried with them through the valleys and peaks of illness. 
  30. They're only 3 and 2 but they already know that Santa Claus has nothing on Grandpa Claus (there's a FULL Santa bag for each kid...that's big enough to fit multiple grandchildren in)
  31. They're 7,5 and 4 and fighting over the snuggle seat again. They all want to sit closest to Daddy to sing along. Don't all little girls know every single song played on the Oldies stations? 
  32. She was 26 and the last to get married. Knowing how much music meant to her, he had all the grandchildren practice the Doxology and surprise her by singing it during the Blessing. 
  33. She was 25 and newly married. She's embarrassed she has to call daddy to ask him for help: the 10 foot Christmas tree he shipped to them was too tall for their house! 9 1/2 feet did just fine. 
  34. She's 8 and Grandpa was responsible (again) for the "WOW" gift. (same for all the kids and adults)
  35. She was 10 years old and afraid, but he stood with her and taught her to be kind and hospitable at Katie's Kitchen. 
  36. She's 18 and graduating from high school. There are parties to attend, friends, coaches and teachers to hug. But she's thinking about what Daddy wrote in her card: deep, meaningful, loving, affirming words that made her feel so full. You know, the cards that all four girls still have in their memory boxes.
  37. She's 33 years old with new friends that he's never met. But they all know "Mr. Vodenichar" by name, because his overseas packages make their family's hospitality and generosity possible. He has sent at least 40 packages.  Sure he sends lots of packages and high end gifts. But don't you dare think he just buys things and ships them. He's 6 years old living across the world and Grandpa cares about the little things (that's his handwriting, every other letter red and green).(yes, this is one of the ways we cheated to try to keep it to 60...combining multiple thoughts in one)

  38. He was 80 years old that summer--with tickets that are like gold to most of our daddy's friends--but that dream ticket for the US Open was for Pap-Pap. And boy did he enjoy it. 
  39. He was turning 3 years old and heading back across the world again. So grandpa surprised him and showed up with his dream cake that he still can't stop talking about.
  40. We're not sure how old he turned that day, but the little boy who showed up at PNC park with his mom for his birthday was so disappointed to walk up to the ticket counter and find out that the game was sold out. Our Daddy overheard that moment...and gave them his front row seats for free. 
  41. She was 17 and waiting anxiously to perform the cheerleading nationals routine with her team in front of their hometown fans, yet refusing to go on until her #1 fan arrived at the gym. He walked in and she let her coach know it was okay to start. 
  42. She was 57 and losing her mommy too soon, so he held her hand tight through the months, with many trips back and forth to Pittsburgh himself, offering tender support to the one he loves. 
  43. They're 4,3,2,2 and 1 and almost always have a matching outfit to wear. Their mamas and papas practically don't need to buy clothes for these kiddos.

  44. She's 21 and sitting in his dear friend's red Mustang convertible. His friend sells cars, you see. And then (with everyone else at the party already in the know), Daddy tells her it's HERS!
  45. Their first little girl is getting married that day and Daddy decides to put a new ring on Mama's finger when Matt puts his on Steph's. 
  46. He was 32 and leaving the next week to take one of Daddy's girls and 3 of his grandchildren to live across the world to follow God and pursue their dream. Daddy shook his hand, hugged him hard, looked him in the eye and spoke words of affirmation, pride and love (after telling him he'd never admit publicly how proud of him he is). 
  47. They were 23 year old newlyweds receiving a call from Comcast that they were to schedule a setup for cable since a year of cable has been paid in full.
  48. She was sad and emotional singing a solo at the dedication of a stain glass window in honor of her Pappy. Tears flowing down her face, she didn't make it past the first verse, so he stood up and started singing along in encouragement to help her get the words out.
  49. They were each at their first night of overnight church camp and a little nervous about making friends and being away from home. As they laid their head down on their pillow, they felt their favorite snack hidden just perfectly for them to find underneath. Daddy knew how to make them feel safe and at home.
  50. She was 7 years old and performing alongside her friends in the all-school talent show to the Rainbow Brite theme song. Her costume was custom made, a surprise, and better than anyone else's on stage.
  51. He was 8 years old living in the inner-city and Daddy offered him $20 if he got good grades. Having Daddy believing in him was another helpful encouragement along the way. And his straight A's report card was cashed in that summer. 
  52. They're 8, 6 and 5 (and the rest of the grandchildren too) and their mamas and papas don't need to worry about finding Halloween costumes; their dream ones always come in the mail with plenty of time to spare.
  53. It was right before bedtime, in the wee hours of the morning, or right in the middle of the work day. Daddy's baby girl was in labor. He always made it there rain or shine, day or night with gifts, songs, and Grandpa smiles.  
  54. They are every age from 0-37 and he's bought spin-around dresses for them all
  55. He was 3 years old when Grandpa adopted yet another name, Banana Head.
  56. 3 of them were in their 30's and one in her 20's when they got their annual call that their cow, pig, lamb and goat were all ready. This year Daddy bought deep freezers and hauled a trailer behind his car to deliver our family's share. 
  57. She was 18 years old and more than 2,000 miles away from home when she received her first of MANY care packages. Snack and Pack tangy sauce, home made brownies, and holiday decorations were staples for this Butler girl.
  58. She's got a birthday coming up. They all know the card will have one of this year's $100 Disney giftcards so that the whole family can go together. 

  59. She was a baby and she knew how it felt to have her grandpa hold her every week; keep in mind the drive was 3 1/2 hours each way.
  60. He's sixty years old and has lived a life better than most heroes in Tall Tales. Daddy, you've literally emptied yourself to show love to your family and to this world. We are so proud of and thankful for who you are. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!! We love you!!!